We Are Developing Our Teacher Training Curriculum!

As always, I am feeling inspired, renewed, and grateful after spending another Saturday dedicating 8 hours to my work as an arts educator. I am currently working toward becoming a Certified Integrated Learning Specialist in a research-based training program, founded in principles from Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. In the third core course of the Integrated Learning Specialist Program, Collaborative Curriculum Design, participants develop curriculum from an inquiry-based perspective, critically thinking around educational frameworks, understanding goals, and assessment tools. I am ecstatic to use this course to further develop the Dance Daze® in Schools Teaching Intern Curriculum. Below, you can see some of my initial brain-storming around the teacher training program I am developing.

Dance Daze in Schools - Teacher Training Brainstorm

The Post-it® notes around the poster contain questions and comments from my classmates, as we are working together to help further our ideas as artists and educators who want to bring meaningful learning experiences to our students.

One of the best parts of collaborating with other educators is that awesome resources, like the one pictured below, are always being shared. (I heard one poem from this book, and I was hooked!)

The Important Book

I am so glad to have found this wonderful program, and I am looking forward to the fully-developed curriculum that will become the foundation for our organizational teacher training programs!

– Saumirah McWoodson
Founder and CEO, Dance Daze® in Schools

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